Green Bedroom: Benefits of Bedroom Plants for Well-Being

Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by Lifevif Team and JC Franco

I do not need much convincing that plants have a place in the home, especially my bedroom. In fact, a variety of my favorite plants share my bedroom space with me already, and that is not just because they make the room look aesthetically pleasing (which they do, by the way). I can think of 16 reasons off the top of my head, why I thought and still do think that plants in the bedroom are a must. 

Once I moved a few plants into my bedroom, I suddenly realized what I had been missing out on. There is just something about a plant in the bedroom that really makes it look cozy and inviting. That being said, the more I lived with my houseplants (and slept with them by my side too), the more familiar I became with the phenomenal benefits that they were bringing into my life. Now I simply can’t imagine living without them.

Without much further ado, here are 16 simple reasons why a houseplant in your bedroom is an excellent idea.

These are 16 benefits and advantages of having plants in your bedroom:

1. Bedroom plants bring your hobby indoors.

Why spend all your time tending plants outdoors when you can bring them into the home for more convenient care? This is particularly useful in the colder months of the year. 

2. You will never forget to water them.

Forgetting to water your pot plants can be seriously detrimental to their health. For a long time, I had 3 pot plants on my porch that I consistently forgot to water. It did not end well for them, which still makes me sad. With plants in your bedroom, they will be the first thing that you see when you wake up. And because of this, you will never overlook watering them. 

3. Your beloved plants will most likely be safe from bugs and insects.

Pot plants in the sanctuary of your bedroom will not be exposed to the pests and elements of the outside world. Insects and bugs will be kept at bay, meaning that your plants will enjoy a healthy, protected life. 

4. Plants reduce stress and improve well-being.

Just sharing space with a plant can be relaxing. In fact, there have been studies done that prove touching a plant or being around a plant for just a few minutes can have a positive impact on mood for the day and for the future. I find that checking on my plants and just being surrounded by them is rather relaxing and leaves me with a sense of general well-being

5. Indoor plants bring life to a bedroom.

You can spruce up just about any drab space with a plant or two. If you have a free shelf or window sill, consider popping a plant or two onto them and expect to notice just how much life it brings to the room. 

6. Plants help purify the air while you sleep.

While you are fast asleep, you do not need to run the air purifier. Simply say good night to your plant and let it do its work. While you sleep, the plant will clean and purify the air for you. Your bedroom pot plant will absorb carbon dioxide and heat and convert it into fresh, clean, oxygen for you to enjoy. 

7. Indoor plants can improve mood in winter.

During the cold and wintery months, it is hard to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Many people suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), which is a type of depression affected by the changes in the seasons. Owning indoor plants provides a way to bring the joy of the outdoors inside, which helps to improve mood and promote cheerfulness.

8. Plants act as a buffer against noise pollution. 

What about noise pollution? Actually, noise pollution is no match for a collection of plants. Where there are plants, there is insulation. Noise can penetrate an empty room far faster than a room adorned with pot plants. If you want to soundproof your room, think about getting a few pot plants.

9. Indoor plants can minimize respiratory problems.

Did you know that including plants in your bedroom can actually help with respiratory problems? Most people with respiratory problems need a humidifier in their bedroom. With pot plants, you can forego the humidifier by grouping the plants together and keeping them misted, or by placing a bowl of water just beneath them. 

10. Plants are good for mental health.

Yup, it is true that plants can be highly beneficial for keeping your mental health in check. People who suffer from depression and anxiety can truly benefit from simply owning and caring for a few plants. By incorporating some indoor plants in your bedroom, you get to wake up to a pleasant sight. You are bound to start each morning with a smile, and you wake up, stretch, and appreciate your thriving plants.

11. Some indoor plants can scent the bedroom.

Do you like to have a beautiful smelling room? There is no need to invest in air fresheners for everyday use – your plants can take care of that for you. Depending on which plants you invest in, you can strategically place them in your bedroom to create a delightful scent. Indoor plants that present the best scent for in the home include Jasmine, Gardenia, Tea Rose Begonias, Lavender, and Orchids, to mention a few. With the right collection of plants, your bedroom can always smell great.

12. Plants are cheaper than a therapist.

Do you ever feel like you desperately need someone to talk to, but can’t afford a therapist? I often find myself walking between my plants, talking to them about my problems, fears, and life’s hurdles. Many people spend hundreds of dollars on therapists who simply listen. If you can’t afford the therapy, get a plant. You will find yourself feeling happier and, of course, able to talk to your plant more openly and honestly than you would to a stranger.

13. Indoor plants boost the immune system.

You might be wondering why and how a plant can boost your immune system. By reducing stress levels and developing a happier mindset, indoor plants actually also boost the immune system. The more relaxed and happier you are, the better your immune system will be. Perhaps that is why people gift pot plants and bunches of flowers at hospitals.

14. Caring for plants in the bedroom may boost your relationships with others.

What if having plants in your bedroom could be beneficial to your personal relationships? Well, I am here to tell you that that can be the case. When you learn how to show caring compassion for another creature, you learn how to handle and nurture your personal human relationships better too. Someone who becomes attached to their plants will learn how to show similar loving-kindness to their partners, friends, and family members. 

15. Plants can boost creativity.

For me, creative energy is vitally important. If you want to boost your creativity, plants are a great way to do that. If you are feeling lackluster and uncreative, it is time for a change. The perfect change is a new plant or group of plants included in your bedroom. When you start adding plants to your bedroom décor, you will begin to play around with sizes, colors, styles, and of course, the personality of each plant. 

Most people do not realize it, but placing and caring for a plant is more than just a chore or a hobby; it is actually an art.

16. Indoor plants will brighten your day. 

Looking for a little something to brighten up your day? Plants can be it. If you usually get up and stare at a blank wall or drawn curtains, it is time for a change. You need to add elements to your life that provide joy and a reason to smile. Pot plants in the bedroom will give you something to smile about. 

If you are toying with the idea of adding plants to your bedroom, consider the 16 benefits above and decide whether or not these are benefits that you find valuable. 

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This article was co-authored by our team of in-house and freelance writers, and reviewed by our editors, who share their experiences and knowledge about the "Seven F's of Life".

JC Franco
Editor |  + posts

JC Franco is a New York-based editor for Lifevif. He mainly focuses on content about faith, spirituality, personal growth, finance, and sports. He graduated from Mercyhurst University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business, majoring in Marketing. He is a certified tennis instructor who teaches in the New York City Metropolitan area. In terms of finance, he has passed the Level I exam of the CFA program.