learn to say no advice

How to Say “No” to a Neighbor: 16 Tips and Advice (Polite, Effective,…) 

The neighbor keeps coming over unannounced to crack a beer and catch up. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Maybe…except if you value your privacy and don’t particularly want the neighbor’s company consistently. What if the neighbor keeps asking to borrow your garden tools and equipment? Do you simply comply because you’re their neighbor, or is there

How to Say “No” to a Neighbor: 16 Tips and Advice (Polite, Effective,…)  Read More »

Video Content vs. Written Content: 16 Things To Consider (for Businesses)

We all know that content rules the world – influencing everything from prospects and sales opportunities to customers. The more content you create, the greater your chance to stand out in this highly competitive business world. But a big question we face is this: “What kind of content is the right choice?” Videos are one

Video Content vs. Written Content: 16 Things To Consider (for Businesses) Read More »

My Kid Lies All the Time! – 15 Things You Can Do (Work With Them, Not Against…)

A child constantly lying can be worrisome for both parents and other adults in the child’s life, such as their teacher, grandparents, etc. But how do you stop your child from lying continuously? Is there a serious underlying reason, or is it just a phase your child is going through? If your child lies often,

My Kid Lies All the Time! – 15 Things You Can Do (Work With Them, Not Against…) Read More »

woman looking at camera

18 Ways to Be a Good and Helpful Mother-In-Law (Qualities)

Many people mistakenly believe that all the responsibility of a good mother-in-law and daughter/son-in-law relationship relies solely on the daughter/son-in-law. The reality is that mothers-in-law can also put in the effort to bond and create a healthy and happy relationship with their child’s partner. If you are one of these forward-thinking mothers-in-law and want to

18 Ways to Be a Good and Helpful Mother-In-Law (Qualities) Read More »